Friday, February 26, 2010

The Real World: DC - Episode 9

I just watched this weeks Real World episode called "Cheaters, Beaters and Pavement Eaters". It was one of the best, if not the best of the season. Andrew finally got laid (twice) and had some hilarious quotes about girls being dumb and ditzy while Josh cheated on his girlfriend like 100 times. All the guys found girls to hook up with except Mike, because he actually wears Ugg boots. Erika continues to get no air time while Ashley continues to annoy every person who watches the show. Seriously, the past few episodes featured her prominently and it made me not want to watch the show ever again. Thankfully this episode redeemed the season. Near the end of the episode Ty gets 'Patrick Schwasted' (too soon?) and pushes Andrew over the ledge on their porch which is probably 20 feet high. The episode ends with a "to be continued..." so we will have to wait until the next episode to see if Andrew is seriously hurt or if Ty will face legal issues. Video of the incident is below (fast forward to about 2:14 if you want to get straight to the push). On the scale of manliness from Gilmore Girls to 24 this episode was about a 7.

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