Friday, February 19, 2010

Josh Howard Is Too Drunk To Taste This Chicken

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Forward Josh Howard missed a game because of a hangover, according to multiple team sources, adding to his list of questionable off-court conduct toward the end of his tenure with the Dallas Mavericks. Multiple team sources said Howard missed the Mavericks' Jan. 20 win over the Washington Wizards because of a hangover after a night of partying.Howard, who earlier refused comment, told ESPN 103.3 FM host Ben Rogers via text message that he was "not responding to a lie.. My lawyers ar taking action... Thanks.. That's a response."

I know what you're all thinking. That I'm gonna laugh about this and say Josh Howard is such a dude. Wrong. Josh Howard is no dude. Josh Howard is a bitch. It's obviously clear this clown can't handle his liquor. I'm not saying that because he got drunk enough to have a mean hangover. That's usually a good sign you had a festive evening. In my book to be able to handle your drink you gotta be able to deal with the consequences. Such as putting your man pants on and playing a basketball game the next day. Or mowing lawns in the august heat only to come home and blog and then go out that night and do it all over again. That's what a dude does.

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