Thursday, February 25, 2010

BREAKING NEWS - Robbie Hummel Out For Season

Robbie Hummel, the great Purdue forward, is out for the season after tearing his ACL last night against Minnesota. This is a huge blow for Purdue who is currently ranked #3 in the country. Being a Penn Stater, I like to see the Big 10 succeed in post-season tournaments and this takes a probable final 4 team to maybe the sweet 16. Penn State plays Purdue for their last regular season game of the season so maybe our pathetic offense can get something done and steal a win to boost some morale. Yeah, probably not but I can dream. Penn State is so bad Purdue would probably beat them without Robbie Hummel and E'Twaun Moore. Anyways, I feel bad for Robbie Hummel and Purdoo-doo butter (the nickname we like to refer to them by) because Hummel is one of the brightest young stars in college basketball.

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