Sunday, February 21, 2010

USA Vs. Canada Tonight. Ohhh Boyyyy

I don't understand how tonight's game got put on MSNBC and ice dancing has prime time viewing on NBC but whatever. I can't tell you how excited I am for the game tonight. Canada's roster is loaded. I mean absolutely fucking stacked. It's like the Dream Team times 10. But USA has that young, talented roster like in 1980 so I don't know what's gonna happen. They're being seen as an underdog to even medal this year and if we know anything about the beautiful U.S of A it's that we love to be looked at as an after thought. Like the Louisiana Purchase. I know you're probably like what does that even mean? Well let me enlighten you with some rich history. Before that hefty $3.75 million dollar buy we we're viewed as a country in the decline. Like we had our peak in the Revolutionary War but now we're gonna go back to being a punching bag. Not so fast, my friend. Thomas Jefferson had a couple cocktails one night and said let me roll the fucking dice on this and open up trading routes that were previously blocked by France and Spain. It was like our wake up call to the rest of the world. We were here to stay. We stomped our feet and yelled, "Wu-tang Clan aint nothin' to fuck with." Or something of that variety.

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