Monday, February 15, 2010

Calhoun Sucks As a Human Being

Calhoun took exception to the first question asked during the press conference, by Chris Elsberry of the Connecticut Post. "Coach, considering the circumstances, you coming back ..." Elsberry began before Calhoun cut him off. "I'm coaching," he said. "I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I can be and I will need to be if I have to. Very simply, I coached the game today. One has nothing to do [with the other]. I didn't die. I was around. George [Blaney] did a magnificent job coaching the team. The only thing I can do is speak about today. I can't speak about tomorrow, yesterday. I can speak about, you probably want to know what happened, at least what I think happened, in the 40 minutes. Me coming back, not coming back ..." Said Elsberry: "That's what I was asking you about. Why did your team not play with any fire today?" "They didn't want to play for me," Calhoun said with sarcasm. "If that's the loaded question you want, fine." Later, Calhoun said, "I came back because I had a job that I feel I needed to finish. I came back because I want to coach. And I was as befuddled — I guess one gentleman thinks [players] quit on me, which is fine. That's his terminology, a twist. But he's been known to do that on occasions, or set up a question that way." Elsberry: "Coach, did you hear the word 'quit' come out of my mouth? Because that's not what I said." Calhoun then responded, twice interrupted by UConn spokesman Kyle Muncy asking for the next question. "You need to go see a therapist," Calhoun said. "He'll help you out. I'm just being honest with you. You set the question up, 'How come they didn't play for you?' I don't know, really, what you want me to say. Do you want to have a one-on-one dialogue? There are other guys here who might want to hear the answer to that, but I don't."

What's Calhoun's deal? I love a good meltdown as much as the next guy but it's time to cut the shit. Why even show up to the press conference if you're just gonna snap on people? Anyone who negatively questions Calhoun ends up getting the horns and I don't know why he keeps getting away with it. Coach is the one who needs therapy. He tries so hard for this intimidation factor and now he comes of as a grumpy old man. I'm not saying he has to answer every question with intelligent insight and honesty but at least have some respect for the press guys who are just doing their job. It's common decency. Not just in the work place but in life. On top of that, it's a total lack of professionalism and nobody punishes Calhoun for it. I don't care how many wins he has or how many times he beat cancer. I have no respect for someone who continues to belittle his fellow man at every opportunity he has. Jim Calhoun is a piece of shit. I went there.

P.S. Remember when UConn was ranked in the top 15 for like 3 consecutive weeks even though they lost a few games and had unimpressive wins and I said they're not a good team? That their ranking was based more on reputation rather than results? Everybody jumped on my back telling me how they're so young and talented. Well now they're 14-11. So maybe I'm not such an idiot and I actually do have my shit together.

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