Thursday, February 25, 2010

Real World Recap

It's back ladies and gents. Your reality television recap from the night before. We got all types of creatures on this season of Real World: D.C. An angry black dude(ty), a gay kid from colorado, 2 bitches who suffer from depression, a cute but chubby blonde, one chill girl(emily), a rocker weirdo(josh), and of course our main man, Andrew. We jump into this latest episode 19 minutes after it starts. Because I set the DVR late. Because I was doing actual work.

-The black dude pushed the chill chick with one hand and said he could destroy her with two. Are they all so angry?

- Andrew goes on a date with a past hook up. Why? "I wanna have sex with her again. Why else would you take a girl on a date?" Then he tells the waiter that he doesn't even remember what she looks like while waiting for her. Maahh mann

-"the date isn't going that great. She's blabbing about something. I don't know, I'm getting kind of annoyed with her actually."- Andrew

-Emily works with a bunch of young, black kids. All the poems involve anger and love. Oh, the irony!

-Josh's girlfriend comes to visit. Apparently he's been cheating on her for a couple weeks. I knew that relationship was gonna fail when his only response to why he was late picking her up was, "ya I know, took the metro."

-One of the depressed, bitchy chicks lets everybody know the guy she lost her virginity to, cheated on her before. The moral of that story is maybe you should've put out and he wouldn't have to cheat. Now go cut your wrist and write a song about it.

-I've been trying to figure out what Josh is wearing 90% of this episode. It's like a vest that goes to a 3 piece suit or something. He's too cool for school. I'm thinking new chatroulette outfit?

-Josh brings a chick back to the house the day after his girlfriend leaves. But then he calls her because he says he has to end it with his girlfriend before he goes further with the whore upstairs. So at least he has morals.

-When girls get upset do they always scream in anger and then break down into a tear fest?

-I hate when people say "it's not my business. But..." Then they continue to talk about what's not their business. I don't get it.

-Short, cute, blonde chubby chick has a brother who visits. And he's tall, ugly, blonde and skinny.

-"She is just staring him down. She's got blood in her eyes. One of these days I think she's actually going to go in Ty's room and smuther him."-Andrew describing the tension.

-I don't know what's going on but there's an argument on the front porch and Emily tells Ty to shove his apology up his ass. So he throws some chips at her. Then Andrew stumbles out and wants to order a pizza. That's how you diffuse a bomb, kids.

-Andrew gets thrown off the deck or something. I don't know.

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