Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ok So here We go

So here it is, my first official post! I fell like I have big standards to live up to with this blog and its high prestige. So here it is I'm thowin down the gauntlet. Me and Rza go back a long way all through highschool and middle school. What im gonna bring to the table is gonna be balls out blogging with no regard for human life. I shall also take part in posting my own chat roullette adventures and bringing you all the exictement of living on campus at CCSU. Ill also make sure to let everyone know how bad i beat Rza in madden whenever he has the balls to play me. Of course I will cover sports just like Rza, Ill be bringing you a some New York Mets info as well for all you Mets fans out there, i know your reading this. So like Rza said ill be his Rodman to his Jordan but ill bring a little Ben Gordan in the mix to. So get ready blogging world cause hear I come!

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