Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Introducing Your Newest Blogger!

Am I excited? Yeah, you could say I'm a little geeked up over this shit. But at the same time am I a little terrified of what he's gonna say? I think we all are. You spend 15 minutes in a dorm room with this kid and you leave a changed man. I feel a little stupid because all this time I was trying to find another guy to match my witt and personality but we all know that was false hope. Not gonna happen. I'm MJ in his prime. So who do I go out and get? My Scottie Pippen to compliment my talents? Nope. I snatch up Dennis Rodman and shake things up a bit like Bam Margera(props to scotty boucher for that line). But in all seriousness, I'm scared and excited to see what he says. Last year I ventured onto his laptop and found a video called Grant Theft Anal. So I guess I found my guy months ago but just didn't know it.

P.S. The first question he asked me was when and much does he get paid. Bahahahahahahahahahaha

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