Thursday, February 11, 2010

This Is a State Of Emergency.

NEW ORLEANS -- Darren Collison didn't look like a rookie when he took over the fourth quarter against the Boston Celtics. He only felt like one when he returned to his locker and sat next to the pink "Little Mermaid" suitcase his teammates have made him cart around all season."Until they stop having me come in with doughnuts and carrying that [suitcase], I'm still a rookie," Collison said. "I like being a rookie. You learn a lot. ... I can't see why anybody doesn't like being a rookie." Easy for him to say after he scored 13 of his 25 points in the final period to lift New Orleans to a 93-85 comeback win Wednesday night.Splitting defenders on the dribble, tossing in floaters over crowds of defenders in the lane and draining mid-range jumpers, the Hornets' first-round draft pick tormented veteran Boston down the stretch. At one point, he scored 11 straight points to ensure his team protected a single-digit lead to the end."I didn't want this game to get away from us," Collison said. "I just wanted to make sure we had enough pressure on them where we had a lot of comfort zone where we could come out with the win.

No excuses. No motherfucking excuses. You know how bad this got last night? I turned on American Idol. I was watching the Syracuse/UConn game and after it ended I switched over to the Celts because I thought they'd be well ahead of the struggling Hornets without me. Nope. They were down by 2. 2 points. They have nobody but Peja on the floor and we can't even guard a spot shooter and a rookie point guard? Are you fucking kidding me? I say trade everybody. Don't let a soul survive. Shake things up a bit. No prisoners. That's just how I roll. American Idol was more entertaining. I'm also a huge fan of Ellen Degeneres, though. I got a soft spot for hilarious lesbians.

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