Saturday, March 13, 2010

This Shit Still Pisses Me Off

I'm sorry for any Ohio State fan out there but they deserve to be playing today. I'm a huge John Beilein guy but you gotta question his defensive strategy on this play. You don't wanna foul so you stay off Turner a bit but you don't give him the whole court to drive and gain momentum to get that shot off. It's just piss poor strategy on Michigan's part and it pisses me off because it could have been so easily avoided. Turner got it off with what, like .2 left on the clock? You bring that defender up a little past half court, don't even press him but make it so Turner has to take 1 fucking dribble to his left or right and that .2 is gone. It takes at least .4 to make a quick dribble move and regain his composure. Ohio State is out of time and Michigan is playing Illinois right now. But what do I know? I'm just the guy that called UConn's bluff in the preseason and the one that Dave Tanner still calls the Apache Master.

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