Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are People Seriously Surprised About This?

Shia LaBeouf hooked up with Megan Fox on the set of 'Transformers'. The co-stars, both 25, enjoyed a brief fling while filming the science fiction action movie in 2006, although Shia claims to have no knowledge of whether Megan was still with her then-fiance and now-husband Brian Austin Green at the time. He said: "Look, you're on the set for six months, with someone who's rooting to be attracted to you, and you're rooting to be attracted to them. I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation. But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen." Asked if Megan and Brian -- who got engaged in 2006 and broke up in 2009 before reuniting and marrying last year -- were together at the time of their fling, Shia told Details magazine: "I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. It was what it was."

The bottom line is this. Megan Fox is a slut. She looks like a slut, she acts like a slut, and she talks like a slut. Is Shia LeBeouf one of the dorkiest and untalented dudes I've ever seen? Yeah he is but all that shit goes out the window when you meet a dick wrangler like Fox. And I don't really see the attraction with her like everybody else. She's not ugly by any means but she's also not burning up the streets of Hollywood. I don't know. Megan Fox does nothing for me. Shia Labeuf is a straight loser. They seemed destined to hook up.

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