Monday, June 27, 2011

How Long Until I Can Longer Hold My Anger In And I Kill This Kid?


 I'm not trying to sound tough or whatever but you don't really want to get me all riled up. I mean that sincerely. I'm not the fucking one.We could be having a lovely discussion about the new hostas my mom just planted and with a flip a switch, I'll come and I'll rip your neck off then step on your lifeless dick faster than you dream about. And I can take criticisms being thrown at me. I have a pretty thick skin when it comes to making fun of me for whatever reason but this steps over the line in like 5 different ways. Call me a pussy, tell me I have a small dick and no balls, but don't you dare tell me I'm made of feathers. Soft is something this motherfucker is not. Now I have to prove it. You know what I think really fires me up though? He spelled my name wrong. I hate when people spell my name wrong.

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