Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mark Cuban Wants to Buy Dodgers

mark cuban los angeles dodgers tmz buy owner frank mccourt
Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban, sat down with TMZ yesterday and talked about a variety of topics including the Mavericks and the Dodgers. He was asked if he would be interested in buying the Los Angeles Dodgers if the opportunity presented itself.
"I have an interest in Major League Baseball for the right deal," Cuban told "But it's just such a mess, right? I can't imagine that it's not going to be such a mess that it's (not) going to make it hard to turn around."

"But if it's just so screwed up, that the pieces are so messed up, that it takes 20 years to fix. ... I mean, there's literally franchises out there that are just in such disarray and such a mess, in multiple leagues, that no one can fix them."

"If the deal is right and they're fixable, then I'm very interested."
Right now the Dodgers are in a complete and total mess but there's nothing a little (or big) cash infusion can't fix. Hello, Mark Cuban and you're $2.5 billion net worth! Frank McCourt owns the team right now but MLB could step in and take control of the team any day because the McCourt doesn't have enough money to meet the payroll. If you don't know much about the situation or just want to read a really good article about it go here.

Mark Cuban should, nay, needs to buy the Dodgers. A baseball team can be fixed and turned into a winner with a little patience, time and a lot of cash. Mark Cuban has all of that. He has enough money to build up the farm system, whether it's signing foreign players, signing top draftees, or both, while also making big splashes in free agency. He's also the type of polarizing figure that would thrive in Los Angeles. He would be able to generate buzz and excitement for the Dodgers that hasn't been there in a while.

Here is the part of his sit-down with TMZ yesterday where he talks about the Dodgers:

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