Sunday, June 26, 2011

Today Concluded One Of The Worst Sports Weeks In My Life. Last Week Was One Of The Best.

Cromwell, CT, United States (AHN Sports) – Ryan Moore played well at the Travelers Championship once again, but just can’t seem to break through here. Moore posted his third top-four finish at TPC River Highlands in six starts here Sunday, a tie for second with a 19-under-par 261 total. Moore’s score would have been good enough to win a lot of years here but this year it was a bit short and a bogey at the 18th Sunday cost him at least a shot at the title in a playoff. Fredrik Jacobson posted his first career PGA Tour win and kept Moore from his second. Jacobson parred the 18th, something Moore was unable to do after his drive landed in a fairway bunker and his approach caught a greenside trap. “I hit my first bad putt of the day,” Moore said. “It was just a pretty simple left-center putt and I pushed it right in the middle of the hole and it just topped out that left side.”

This shit was inevitable wasn't it? Bruins win the Stanley Cup last week while the Sox are in the middle of a 50 game winning streak and Roddick is crushing the first 2 rounds of Wimbledon only to have the wheels come off in a major way a few days later. I think it all started with Rory asking me how his dick tasted after crushing the US Open. Totally knocked me down in the first round of a title fight. Hard to come back from that. And I don't know exactly what order the rest of this falls in but it went like this: Roddick lost, thus ending my thirst for tennis. Then the Sox lost 4 straight, Celtics had me happy for 4 minutes when they drafted Marshon Brooks only to trade him, Tiger announced he's still not able to get off the couch, two of my U-23 soccer games got cancelled, which is like the only thing I look forward to in life at this point, Bubba barely even showed up up to the TPC in Cromwell this weekend, a draft beer cost me $5.00 and the only reason I paid for it was cause the chick in the tent was flirting so hard that my dick started walking for me, then USA Soccer went up 2-0 to Mexico only to blow it with 4 straight goals from a bunch of gun toting, drug using misfits and if all that wasn't enough heartache for me, Ryan Moore blew his birdie putt on 18 to go into a playoff with that Swedish queer. So where did that leave me for the past 72 hours? Drunk. I'm not proud of it either but I had consistent buzz working on me from 7 PM on Friday till about 4 PM today. I guess I don't deal with pain well. I don't mean pain in the sense of a broken bone pain. I'm fine with that shit. I mean emotional and mental anguish. You know that feeling when you see a girl who has a boyfriend now but back in the day she would have sucked a dogs nut just to get a hug from you and you just now realized how much you like her? Yeah. I'd like to thank Mr Weiser for numbing that.

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