Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crazy Girl Wrote Colby Rasmus a Song

This is hands down the best video I have ever seen. Better than Charlie bit my finger. Better than Antoine Dodson. Better than David after the dentist. Better than black people and leprechauns. Let's just pretend this girl is 18. First, how did she get all that off the field footage of Colby Rasmus? Second, you know this girl is crazy in the sack. She's a bona fide nut-job that would make Michele Bachmann seem normal. Girls that insane are freaks. Sort of like girls that are really into saving the planet.

This girl definitely fails the "Hot-Crazy Scale" but if I'm Colby Rasmus I'm sending this girl a message and hitting it, but not after I get a vasectomy and set up some proxy server because her #1 goal is definitely to find out where Colby lives and her #2 goal is to have his babies. At the worst you'll end up chained to a bed and locked in her basement but at the best you'll have an awesome story to tell.

Colby should definitely use this as his pre-at-bat song. Or he should sneak into Larussa's office and set it as his ring tone. Triple, double single. That smooooth home run!

P.S. All girls need to wear white shorts. They are awesome. The end.

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