Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is This The Most Badass Move Ever?

WASHINGTON -- Washington Nationals manager Jim Riggleman abruptly resigned from one of the hottest teams in baseball Thursday, saying he felt the franchise wasn't committed to him over the long term.  Riggleman quit because the Nationals weren't prepared to pick up the option on his contract for next year, further reinforcing his feeling that he was merely a placeholder manager until the team could find someone better. "It's been brewing for a while," Riggleman said in a clubhouse that went from festive to stunned after completing a sweep of the Seattle Mariners. "I know I'm not Casey Stengel, but I do feel like I know what I'm doing. It's not a situation where I felt like I should continue on such a short lease." His decision caught the franchise by surprise. General manager Mike Rizzo said he'll announce Friday who will manage the team this weekend during a road series against the Chicago White Sox. "Jim told me pregame today that if we wouldn't pick up his option, then he wouldn't get on the team bus today," Rizzo said. "I felt that the time wasn't right for me to pick up the option, and certainly today's conversation put to me in the way it was put to me, you certainly can't make that decision in a knee-jerk reaction. It's too big of a decision."

Love it. Pay me or slay me, baby. It reminds me of Gretchen and Slade on Real Housewives of OC. Slade wants to marry the blonde bitch but she prefers this leasing method where she'll trade him in for a new ride if he starts to breakdown. Fuck that. If Slade had any balls he'd put a ring on it or tell her to kick rocks because he's sick her habitual disrespect towards him.  That's exactly what Jim Riggleman did. Either commit for the long term, right now, or be prepared to lose me forever. That's called putting your balls out there and in my day that would get you one step closer to greatness. Watch out Jim Riggleman in the future. Motherfucker means business.

P.S. I don't know why the picture is rotated like that and I'm way too lazy and pissed off to figure it out.

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