Tuesday, June 21, 2011

James Blunt Outdoes Tracy Morgan

james blunt auschwitz facebook hotel poland tour
James Blunt is in Poland touring and posted the above photo to his facebook page Friday along with the caption "Err... this is my hotel in Poland". It would be a funny joke until you find out that what he's standing in front of is near Auschwitz. Yes, that Auschwitz. Apparently that's not what upset people though.
Daily Mail - However, it wasn't any reference to the town's notorious death camp that appeared to upset the locals but the suggestion they are still living in some Soviet-era backwater.
Really? Really, Seth Myers? You're upset that James Blunt suggested you are still living in some "Soviet-era backwater"? In that case I am free to make all the jokes I want. How about let's start with the fact that you are living in some "Soviet-era backwater"! If someone didn't tell me this picture was from Poland I would have assumed that Jamesy-poo was visiting the troops in Afghanistan. I wonder if he was able to post the photo directly to facebook from his phone after he took it or if he had to wait until he got back to his 5-star hotel because there was no cell service there. Even Amish people saw this picture and said, "for christ's sake this is 2011 not 1955, Poland. Get with the times".

james blunt auschwitz facebook hotel poland tour

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