Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Did Sean Avery Just Admit He's Gay?

Rangers forward Sean Avery, who aggressively supported gay marriage in New York — a bill making gay marriage legal in the state was passed last week — now wants the league to get behind him. "It would be great for the NHL to take the lead among professional sports leagues in terms of social equality and justice and be out front and progressive regarding issues like this," he said. As for the fact that he is one of the most disliked players in the league due to his obnoxious behavior yet now is campaigning for "social equality," Avery explained: "It's like I have a split personality on and off the ice, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. People who only know me as a player don't know me at all."

It's like he has a split personality? People who only know him as a player don't know him at all? Yikes. I only like him as a player. I think his whole Vogue intern and role a gay rights activist is beyond fruity.  If that's the real Sean Avery then I think I'm starting to hate him.

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