Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wizards Draft Pick Jan Vesely Makes Out with Girlfriend

jan vesely makes out girlfriend kiss nba draft washington wizards american blake griffin
The Washington Wizards just drafted Jan Vesely, out of the Czech Republic, 6th overall in the NBA Draft. Right after being picked he turned to his money girlfriend and made out with her. I was not a fan of the Vesely pick until this happened. The man is just killing it. He's now going to the city where Alex Ovechkin plays. The two of them are gonna tear the bar scene up.

Jan, you dog you! Look at her just taking control of this situation, leaning right in, grabbing his head, reminding him who runs shit even right after he became a lottery pick in the NBA Draft. Now we have to find out who this money baby is. Vesely is 6'11" so this chick has to be a monster. I imagine banging her is like taming something.

He was being interviewed after the selection and the guy said to him that some people call him the European Blake Griffin. Jan responded "Blake Griffin is the American Jan Vesely". Boom. #GetShitOn Blake! A video of it will likely surface soon and I'll post it so we can all re-live the awesomeness.

UPDATE: Thanks to a backstage interview we have found out that Jan Vesely's girlfriend's name is Eva Kodouskova. She is 6'3.5" and also plays basketball.

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