Monday, June 20, 2011

Those Kids Over At The BJD Are Like The Sweetest Dudes Ever

Little back story for your asses. I went into the dentist today for a simple teeth cleaning. One of those 45 minute things. Get in, get off, get out. Well I'm getting ready to get up from the chair and Doc walks in like Lee Corso shot straight out of hell and says "not so fast my friend." He starts giving me some bullshit dentist jargen about me needing a filling and they need to get scrape out some dead shit before I leave because he's going on vacation next week and yada, yada, yada. No big deal, right? I've had a cavity filled before and I've filled my fair share of dark holes(heyyoooo). So I move into the next room and this doesn't feel like your routine cavity. And since when do they just fill cavities on the spot? They don't. He's digging around and shit and using his file and I'm starting to think something is up. 20 minutes passes by and I get asked how it feels to complete my first root canal. Ya. A fucking root canal and I had no idea because they didn't wanna freak me out. Not a filling. Not a tooth pull. A motherfucking root canal. They pretty much sweet talked my pants off and anally raped me for 20 minutes without me even knowing. Now let's talk about how the BJD comes into this story. I went to play basketball because I'm a retard. I was still kind of numb so I didn't think it would be a big deal. Wrong. So very wrong on my part. I catch a slight finger to mouth region from who knows and it's game over. My mood went from content to irate within seconds. I was so fucking mad and uncomfortable that I stood on the 3 point line and stared at the ground as I cursed myself. Just careless behavior on my part. I should know better. Then I get a tweet from Shanil telling me to feel better. Such a sweetheart, not to mention his jumpshot is pretty. No bullshit. Clearly went to the coach Franny school of basketball. It's safe to say he's my new favorite. Amazing legs.

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