Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ricky Rubio Arrived In Minneapolis

ricky rubio arrives minnesota timberwolves
Two summers ago, on June 25, 2009, the Minnesota Timberwolves drafted Ricky Rubio 5th overall in the NBA Draft. There were rumors Rubio didn't want to play in Minnesota and in order to leave his Spanish team and come to the NBA the Timberwolves had to pay a ridiculously high buyout fee which they didn't do. Rubio returned to Spain for two more seasons but today he arrived in Minnesota.

This video is so ridiculous. What's up with the dude narrating his walk through the doors and describing everything he's wearing? This isn't the Kentucky Derby or the Oscars, bro. "What a moment for Minnesota!"?!? Are you kidding me? The kid was drafted by you and didn't want to play for you because a) your team went 111-217 from 2005-2008 and b) the only people that actually want to live in Minneapolis, Minnesota are Charlie Conway and Gordon Bombay. If a .338 winning % from 05-08 wasn't bad, the Timberwolves went 32-132 the past 2 seasons. That's a .195 winning % for the calculator challenged. And what's with everyone giggling like school girls at every word he says? How about you stop sucking his dick until he actually plays a game in the NBA.

But you're right, "what a moment for Minnesota!!!". The 20-year-old who averaged 4.8 points, a roughly .300 FG% and 4 assists in 22 minutes per game will help save your team that just won 15 games.

Where was Scoops Callahan when we needed him most?

Also, I'm just gonna come out and say it - Ricky Rubio bats for the other team. I mean just look at this picture and tell me I'm wrong. He's got a money baby sitting next to him and he looks like he'd rather be with some guy named Majulio, wearing leather helmets clubbing each other to Yanni's greatest hits. And then there's that leg cross that would make Elton John proud. Just in case this photo doesn't seal it for you here's another from a magazine shoot that I'm guessing is for "Zero".

ricky rubio arrives minnesota timberwolves

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