Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tiger Grew a Beard and Nobody Told Me?

I love a good beard. It's probably because I can't grow one to save my life but if I could, I'd grow it down to my dick. I feel like I've said that a billion times. Tiger growing a beard might be the best move he's made all year. He didn't even need to speak at that press conference. Just limp in there, crack a beer and stare at the crowd with sad eyes and new facial hair. Boom. Done. He does that and I immediately know he hasn't picked up a club since May and he has absolutely no idea where his career is going.

The ESPYs still exist? We need to crown athletes even though that's what they play their sport for? OK. As much as I hate it I'll probably watch because Seth Meyers is one of my all time heroes.

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