Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stephen Curry Brings The Noise On Kobe. No. No He Doesn't.

Warriors guard Stephen Curry had a question for Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant. With Lakers guard Shannon Brown at the line, Curry asked Bryant if he was worried. The Warriors, who lost by 33 to the visiting Lakers earlier this season, were within six and had momentum. Bryant snickered. "I told him," Curry recalled, " 'I'm new to the league. I can't read you yet.' He just looked at me (smiling) and said 'Nah.' Bryant's confidence proved justified by a 124-121 victory Monday against the Warriors, thanks largely to him scoring nine of his 29 points in the fourth quarter. But the Warriors certainly gave the Lakers reason to doubt victory was certain.

Way to make your first impression on the league, young grass hopper. You got a moment with the best player in the league on a night when he has 9 turnovers and the only thing you can come up with is, "are you worried? I'm new to league." Really? I don't care if he's Kobe and he has 4 rings and I'm just a rookie. He did raped a girl, right? That's all the ammo I need. Maybe pretend I'm tying my shoes and when he walks by, I say something along the lines of "how does it feel to be a victim of assault for once?" I don't know. You can throw in something about playing lock down defense like it's the jailhouse, too. That's not even close to my best material. I save that shit for Powers when he tries to back me down on the blacktop.

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