Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How's That Run Prevention Doing?

TORONTO -- Jason Varitek needed a little extra time to ice his aching body after this seesaw slugfest. Varitek had four RBIs, Marco Scutaro scored a career-high four runs and the Boston Red Sox held off the Toronto Blue Jays 13-12 on Monday night."I would have taken a 2-1 game rather than a 4-hour game behind the plate, to be honest with you," Varitek said with a laugh. "I was a little tired after about the fourth inning."Varitek went 3 for 5 with a pair of two-run singles and Scutaro was 3 for 5 with a walk against his former team. Boston set season highs for runs and hits (18) in a wild game that lasted 4 hours, 3 minutes -- the longest nine-inning game in the majors this season, according to STATS LLC.

Listen, I can't get too hot over the Sox at this point. It's not that it's too early or anything but it's playoff season and I'm not gonna lose sleep over an outfield that consists of scrubs like Bill Hall and Darnell Macdonald. Yeah, Clay Bucholz is pitching tonight but Rajon Rondo is trying to eliminate the Heat and then The Durantula is gonna lock up Kobe like he was a convicted rapist. Is that even a word? Rapist? That makes it seem like an art form or something. Like does he go into prison and call himself "a rapist" and everyone just kind of steps back because of his skills? That's something to think about all day. But this is where legends are made. Not during some regular season slug fest in Toronto. I'll check the box score, maybe flip over to it during commercials but no way am I getting into this season until the Celts are finished. I watched about 10 minutes of the game last night but I can tell you Beltre went 3-5 with 2 RBI, is batting .309 and Youk had himself a night going 3-4 to bump his average up to .299. And I think Beckett's ERA is hovering about 67.34 at this point. 8 earned runs in 3 innings will do that.

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