Sunday, April 18, 2010

Man Flips Off Cop. Cop Pays $5000

An Overland Park man who flashed an obscene gesture at an Olathe police officer after getting a ticket is getting rewarded for his behavior. The city of Olathe has settled a civil rights complaint filed by Scott Schaper of Overland Park. He was ticketed in September for disorderly conduct for flipping off an officer who had given him a ticket for running a stop sign. The city of Olathe last week agreed that its insurance company would pay Schaper $4,000, with another $1,000 for the American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas and Western Missouri. Olathe police also must train its officers that they are required to take such verbal abuse. The Kansas City Star reports that Doug Bonney, legal director for the ACLU chapter, says Schaper reacted angrily because the traffic stop made his children cry.

I'm no law professor but the city of Olathe just provided us with a precedent for future generations. I mean it's practically case law now. So I need to find a beautiful woman(if you think I'm gonna allow my children to be anything less than a 8 you're sadly mistaken) to birth me some children. They're clearly money makers. All I have to do is get pulled over, put on a clown movie to get the tears running in the back seat and then tell the court that the officer's behavior caused Rondo jr. to get all hysterical. And in the process I get to stick it to the man? You can't put a price on that, kids.

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