Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beers, Man. Beers

Two sanitation workers in Columbia, Mo., are in hot water after allegedly using a city truck to fetch beer that was going to be destroyed at the city landfill. N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co. took 1,500 cases of expired beer to the landfill on April 1. It was delivered in two shipments. The first was destroyed immediately, but the second wasn't, leaving 700 cases of Budweiser and Michelob Ultra awaiting a similar fate. City officials say two Solid Waste workers decided not to let the beer go down the drain and loaded about 50 cases into a city pickup. A week later, city officials found video from the landfill showing them in the act.

Well no shit they're in hot water. They probably got a mean case of the shits. You're telling me that a case of expired beer was tossed into a landfill in the middle of Missouri and it wasn't in the least bit skunked? No way. Get real. I know skunked beer better than anyone. Not something I'm proud of. Chalk it up to my high school behavior of buying beer, not drinking it all in one night and letting that shit boil in my trunk for 6 days. It gets warm, then cold then warm then cold then we have a hot day and you can pretty much punch your ticket to the toilet because you have a case of the runs waiting to happen if you suck that down. For those of you who say you can't really get sick off of drinking skunked, I encourage you to try it.

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