Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jim Nantz Doesn't Like Tiger's Mouth(Imagine if he saw what was boiling downstairs. zing!)

If you're ever around Jim Nantz and there's a live microphone on hand, here's a tip: Don't swear. In an appearance on a New York sports talk radio show Monday, Nantz, CBS' lead announcer on its golf telecasts, upbraided Tiger Woods for cursing during Saturday's third-round telecasts. "If I would have said what he said on the air, I would be fired," said Nantz, while appearing on WFAN's Mike Francesa Show. Nantz took umbrage at Woods for saying "You suck" to himself, as well as uttering a one-word phrase generally considered to be sacrilegious. "Guess what? Phil Mickelson had a camera in his face all weekend," said Nantz. "Did you ever hear him come close to approaching that? He didn't hit every shot exactly the way he wanted. Have you ever heard Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus use that kind of language? Nantz said that Woods had used coarser language than that during tour stops, but was "disappointed" in his slip given that Woods had pledged during prior interviews and press conferences to refrain from outbursts of either exuberance or anger. "I can't say anything I want when I'm on a live broadcast," said Nantz. "Tiger's not the only guy who's got a camera in his face all day long. But he is the only one in the field who said he wasn't going to do that any more."

Before I really get into this let me say that I love Jim Nantz. You say Jim Nantz and I think class, class, class. He does it all behind the mic. Gotta respect that. But he also stepped on the toes of another guy I love. I understand the out cry about Tiger using bad language when he said he was gonna clean up his act but did anybody really think it was gonna happen? Hey world, Tiger doesn't give a fuck. Never has, never will. No shit, you can't say anything you want on a live broadcast and get away with it. Your job is to talk and be politically correct at all times and show no bias. But Tiger? That's not his job. He doesn't have to be a sweetheart like Phil. His job is to put the ball in the fucking hole and if he gets a little heated then he gets a little heated. I get stressed out over typing up a little 5 page paper and start throwing verbal daggers at anyone who interferes so I can't imagine what Tiger was feeling when he was watching the green jacket slip away from him with every mistake, knowing the country had it's eyes on him. Case in point, it aint easy being Mr. Woods. give him a break.

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