Friday, April 23, 2010

I Still Don't Understand How This Guy Got Drafted

After trading down twice, the Denver Broncos traded up in the draft to take Tim Tebow with the Ravens' 25th pick. The selection of the Florida quarterback drew the loudest reaction -- a mix of cheers and boos -- from the audience. Denver gave up picks in the second, third and fourth rounds. "I want to be a great quarterback," Tebow said. " ... For the next few years, my mindset is going to be to repay [Broncos head coach Josh McDaniels] for what he did for me, believing in me. Just like it was when I was at Florida. My biggest joy was doing things for Coach [Urban] Meyer, winning championships, being able to help him." Tebow was the third Florida player chosen -- and by far the most controversial selection. A winner for four years with the Gators, including two national championships, his unorthodox style and strange throwing motion made for widely divided opinions on him. Although it's highly unlikely he'll be the starting quarterback in five months' time, Tebow will begin his NFL career Sept. 12 in his hometown of Jacksonville when the Broncos play the Jaguars in their season opener.

Does Denver really think Tebow is going to play? They just wasted a first round pick on a dude that might never throw a football in the NFL. I understand these scouts have a lot more knowledge about football than me but it doesn't take a Jon Gruden type mind to watch Tebow throw a pass and know that he sucks. They say he's gonna be a great locker room guy but so what? You could go get some homeless dude off the street who loves your franchise to be a great locker room guy. He'll walk around smack everyone's ass after practice. Like I'm legitimately pissed off that Tebow got drafted so high. I heard Gruden say last night that he's gonna be someone who runs through players and gets the first down and inspires everyone. Cool. That's exactly what I want out of my fullback, not my 3rd string QB who started to fix his throwing motion 2 months ago after every scout told him he was a shit passer. At the end of the day I think this was all just an ego trip for Josh McDaniels. He thinks because he built Matt Cassel into a QB, he can now fix Tebow. You can take that to the bank. McDaniels wants to fuck Tim Tebow.

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