Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Rape Suspended 6 Games. I Think?

Ben Roethlisberger was suspended for six games on Wednesday for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy, the NFL announced. The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback also was ordered to undergo a comprehensive behavioral evaluation. Commissioner Roger Goodell will evaluate Roethlisberger's progress before the season and might consider reducing the suspension to four games. However, a failure to comply with the NFL's ruling might lead to a longer suspension. Roethlisberger is barred from attending any Steelers offseason activity after Wednesday until he completes the evaluation. He can participate in training camp and preseason games this summer as long as he is cleared by the evaluators and Goodell.

Listen, I know in the 60's it was all the rage to walk around the club, hanging brain and smashing broads but you can't do that anymore. Stop watching those period pieces.The times they are a changin'. I know the NFL has an image problem and maybe suspending him will help with that but it really doesn't. For the rest of his career I'm always going to think of him as the dude who raped a 20 year old in a bathroom just like Kobe boned a white girl, Ray Lewis/Laura Bush murdered a guy and Tiger sends filthy text messages. People don't forget. You know when you watch a basketball game and you can sense that the guys aren't really feeling it? Just going through the motions. That's exactly how I feel about this post.

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