Monday, April 26, 2010

You Can't Sell Your Kids On Craigslist?

A father in western New York is facing charges after he posted a Craigslist ad that said his children were for sale, YNN in Rochester, N.Y., reported.Josh Stagnitto said he posted the ad as a joke and didn't think anyone would take it seriously."I was looking at all the ridiculous crap on Craigslist, and I thought it would be funny if I put my kids on there because how more ridiculous can you possibly get?" he said.The ad for Stagnitto's 2- and 1-year-old said the children could be used as slaves or footstools.New York State Police say they were contacted by a child abuse hot line. They then contacted local police. Stagnitto was arrested and charged with falsely reporting an incident.Stagnitto said he regrets ever posting the ad.

I didn't think you could put anything you wanted on Craigslist but you can actually put any fucking thing you want on Craigslist. You saw a hot chick at the mall? Missed connections will fix that heartache. You wake up with a morning wood? Look no further than Casual Encounters. So I said to myself, "How can I use this fantastic website and not get arrested?" Oh, I don't know. I only run the most successful blog this side of the Farmington River and we're kind of low on staff. Did I write up a job posting on Craigslist? Yes. Yes I did.

Looking for black man with sass. Big butt, bigger heart. Gotta be able to bring it on the daily. Can you make words jump off the page and into my mouth? You're what I want. No, correction. You're what the people want. Must love to make fun of Dan Donahue. If you don't know who he is, then get to know who he is. You probably know a girl who got fucked in high back seat. No experience needed but sending a resume is a must. This 'aint some blogging club. I want high school resume, as well. Anything less than a 3.2 GPA and I'm throwing your file out of the door and letting my cat piss on it. Remember, I want you to be everything I am and everything I'm not. No gaps in this ship! We only have 4 minutes to save the world.

Fyi: I cannot pay you in cash or offer you anything that amounts to gold but what can I offer you is the best book you've ever read. It'll feel like every day of your life is breakfast in bed. Mainly because you will eat a lot of breakfast in bed.

So that's that. I'll be posting the replies if we get any.

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