Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kourtney Kardashian Says Don't Forget About Me

For the third week in a row a bikini-clad Kardashian graces the cover of Life & Style to discuss her weight loss. This time it is Kourtney, who gave birth to son Mason four months ago. Last month she was also on the cover in a bikini. The past two weeks her sisters Kim and Khloe hawked Quick Trim in the mag, a diet product they are paid to endorse. Kourtney can't take Quick Trim yet since she is still breastfeeding, but she told that her sisters made her some sort of shake that is safe for her son.

This is called bringing the high cheese. It's no secret that Kourtney fell out of my top five after getting knocked up but she just climbed right back into the #2 spot behind Brooklyn Decker. And Decker is only #1 because she's dating Roddick, who I have a huge man crush on. He's such a dude. ANYWAY. Is it safe to say Kourtney is back? I think so. What a cutie.

P.S. What does Emma Stone(is that her name?) have on that? She couldn't even whipe Kourteny's ass.

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