Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do You Like Football? Was Your Mom a Hooker?

NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith said Wednesday the treatment of Dallas Cowboys first-round pick Dez Bryant and other prospective draft picks needs to be conducted in a professional manner.Ireland had asked Bryant if Bryant's mother was a prostitute in a meeting the two had before the NFL draft. Smith was reacting to Bryant being asked if his mother was a prostitute by Dolphins general manager Jeff Ireland during a predraft visit in March. Ireland apologized to Bryant on Tuesday after a Yahoo! Sports report said Ireland asked the question. Dolphins owner Stephen Ross said Wednesday that he will look into Ireland's interview conduct. "Jeff Ireland has already apologized for questions asked of former Oklahoma State receiver Dez Bryant," Ross said in a statement. "I will be looking into this matter personally and will take appropriate actions if necessary." Bill Parcells, a former Cowboys coach, who is now an executive with the Dolphins was unavailable for comment. Parcells hired Ireland. "We need to make sure the men of this league are treated as businessmen," Smith said in a statement.

I get the reason for a players union but sometimes they go a little overboard trying to be all righteous and shit. You think Demaurice Smith would be coming out with statements if Dez Bryant was a white guy? I doubt it. Athletes always say their league is a business and they're businessmen but they're really not. The rules of the common office don't relate to that of a locker room. If you go out tonight, get a DUI and slap a chick then you're probably fired but in the NFL it's a slap on the wrist and a 4 game suspension. So fuck yeah it's relevant if Dez Bryant's mom was a prostitute. If I'm shelling out $60 million dollars for you then I might want you to get an AIDS test and you better not say shit about it. I might just bring you in for a meeting and stare at you for 30 minutes to test your mental toughness. That's big boy money we're talking about here. I don't want to take a risk on a kid who was beat up as a child and neglected and that's why he's a complete head case in his adult years. It's not like Dez Bryant was an angel before this interview. By all accounts he's a bit of a clown and had to have OSU dumb the offense down to his level because he didn't understand it. Bottom line is he's a fucked up kid. It's a tough question to ask but it's gotta be asked.

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