Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ba. Ha.

Christopher Vollono, 19, of Burlington, was arrested at 2:02 p.m. at Hollister Hall and charged with possession of a controlled substance or less than four ounces of marijuana. Vollono was arrested following a call for service for the odor of marijuana in the area of Hollister Hall’s second floor. A subsequent investigation led officers to room 211, where Vollono was found to be in possession of less than four ounces of marijuana. His bail was set at $500 and his court date was set for April 20.

Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yikes. We gotta do better than this. I mean this is understandable if this happened fall semester of freshman year but come the fuck on. Smoking out the second floor? Rookie mistake. They teach you these tricks during freshman orientation I thought. Can't do that shit in the rooms, that's why you hit the bathroom and turn the fan on. Maybe a little shower, get the steam action going. Very soothing. It could be anybody. All the RA knows if he has a weed problem, not a vollono problem. Grow up, peter pan.

P.S. To answer your question; yeah, blogging this makes me feel better about myself. And I'm not worried about any consequences. Probably just challenge me to a game of super smash brothers or something gay like that over a 12 pack of natty ice.

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