Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Time To Panic

Playing on the morning of the Boston Marathon, the Red Sox lost their sixth straight at home, their longest losing streak at Fenway since a 12-game skid in 1994. Boston (4-9) finished 0 for 30 with runners in scoring position during the series, with Jeremy Hermida's two-run homer the only runs in the finale."It's kind of weird," Red Sox catcher Victor Martinez said. "Nothing is going our way. Every team we play, it keeps falling their way."This season's version of the Red Sox was supposed to rely on pitching and defense. They failed badly over the weekend.They allowed five unearned runs on Saturday night. Two of their better pitchers -- Jon Lester and John Lackey were shelled. The outfield misplayed balls on Monday. Dustin Pedroia, as he often does, got right to the point. "When you don't show up, you're going to get beat," he said. "Doesn't matter if it's the Rays or (bleeping) Brookline High."

Long story short, we suck. Like we're really, really fucking bad. We can't pitch, we can't hit and today we couldn't play defense to save our life. Last I checked you had to do those three things to win a game in the major leagues. Wiffle Ball is a different story, go ask Powers about that. I could write out 25 things about the Sox that piss me off. They weren't advertised as an offensive squad but the guys that were supposed to knock in the runs aren't even doing that. Victor Martinez, J.D Drew, and Big pop-up(you like what I did there?) are no where to be found. A week ago if you told me they were in trouble for the year, I'd tell you to fuck off, shave your ass and walk backwards. But today it's different. I can't get pissed off because I don't have a real answer on how to fix it. I guess it's what I feared would happen to this team and it makes me really fucking sad. I can't get my hopes up about another team only to watch them blow up at the end of the year again. I won't do it. I just need something good to happen.

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