Monday, April 19, 2010

These Guys Are Making Me Look Bad

Listen, I'm no superman. I'll be the first guy in the room to call a square a square a smelly whore, a smelly whore. So yeah, these guys sucked yesterday. You might look at Durant's numbers and see 24 points but I see 7-24 shooting and 4 turnovers because I actually watch basketball. Not just look at the bottom line on SportsCenter. He was awful. Everything about his game yesterday was inconsistent and when you're playing against a rapist and his friends, you gotta be better than that. Those sex offenders are cold blooded. Then we had Rudy stepping into the starting role with B-Roy on the injured list. I thought ''yes. Our boy is finally going to get his chance to be the brightest star in the galaxy." Wrong. Shooting touch was way off and that's kinda where it ends with Fernandez. I'm a big believer in that if you're shot is off then go out and contribute in other ways. Get boards, play lock down D, make smart passes. The worst thing you can do is start pressing and that's exactly what he did. I don't know. I guess when you're constantly bringing the thunder, it's easy to get lost in the storm.

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