Sunday, April 18, 2010

What The Fuck?

Chicago Bulls center Joakim Noah isn't facing Kevin Garnett in the first round of the NBA playoffs. But as the NBA reviews Garnett's elbow of Quentin Richardson during a fracas near the Miami Heat bench in Game 1, Noah is offering his own viewpoint. On Sunday, Noah called Garnett "a dirty player" who is constantly throwing elbows. He also said he's hurting because of an elbow he took recently from the Celtics' star. "It's unbelievable. He's a dirty player. It's one thing to be competitive and compete. But don't be a dirty player, man," Noah, whose Bulls are facing the Cleveland Cavaliers, said of Garnett. Noah's opinions aside, NBA disciplinary officials were considering whether to discipline Garnett in the aftermath of the skirmish that led to Garnett's ejection during Boston's 85-76 victory.

What the fuck is going on today? Is it national stand up and talk shit day or something? And to top it all off, the ones talking are the guys who can't back any of it up. Seriously. I'm at the point where I fully expect Sellberg to wake up and start bad mouthing me in public instead of in that male only brothel that him and his boys like to hang out in. Joakim Noah? He couldn't even score against some scrub like Verajao yesterday. What's he gonna do when Shaq clocks him going for a board? But this is almost refreshing to hear because I'm so sick of athletes being tight off the court. Back in the day you couldn't even get Isiah Thomas and MJ on the same national team because of the bad blood between them during Pistons/Bulls playoff battles and the infamous freeze out in the all-star game. There wasn't any man love like there is between Kobe and Lebron. I digress. I just wish somebody with an ounce of credibility would talk shit. Not some struggling big man from Chicago who got beat up in the paint by an aging vet or a swing man from Miami who couldn't hold down Sebastian Telfair. Big fucking deal if Garnett throws elbows in the paint. That's when it's up to you to throw one back and prove that you won't stand for that shit. Not whine like a little bitch to the media. Grow the fuck up, pussy.

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