Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another Trade Deadline Passes...I Hit The Snooze Button

NHL Deadline was today and they actually did some shit. By the way, if there is any news about the NHL, there will only be pictures of Sean Avery posted. I don't give a fuck if Brett Hull comes out of retirement or if Gretz rapes a man. ANYWAY. I don't know anyone in the league besides the big names or guys on the Bruins and Rangers. Sorry, I haven't gotten that involved in playing NHL Live 2009 yet. I'm still on the Sean Avery mode. It's not like Madden where I'll lead the Bills to the superbowl just for shits and giggles and Syracuse pride. You tell me to play with the Phoenix Coyotes (team?) and I'll tell you to fuck yourself. Maybe tickle me pink and call me Sally. All I'm saying is I wish trade deadlines today we're like how they are in xbox. Just this weekend, I pulled off a 6 player deal that brought Sean Avery, Shanny, and Joe Thornton to Boston for Lucic, wheeler and some scrubs playing in Providence. I know I was drunk but the computer must've been also to agree to that, We won the Stanley Cup and I was voted GM of the year, by the way. All that without a college degree. No NBA 2k9 trades. Celtics are too fucking perfect. We don't play God with them. I did look in transactions and noticed the Heat shipped D-wade to New Orleans for Cp3 and Chandler. I should probably study more.

On a side note. Dr. Donahue, you can't post that smut on our blog. Especially when you've never had sex or used a condom except when trying them on by yourself or putting them on your head to make your little brother laugh. You're just vulgar and disgusting and this blog aint big enough for two of us.

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