Monday, January 31, 2011

The Wild Thing Goes To Rehab. Boooo!!!!!

After numerous stints in rehab, Charlie Sheen is about to receive some specialized care — and he doesn't even have to leave the house to get it. The 45-year-old actor — who was released from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center on Friday after two days on nonstop partying — will be receiving in-home care for his addiction issues. Sheen in rehab could cost crew of hit show "He's getting treatment done at home," a source tells of the troubled TV star. "He's doing rehab there."

Well there goes the life of the party. I seriously feel like all the air has gone out of my balloon. I wanted to go out with Charlie Sheen for the simple reason of live tweeting about it. Imagine the type of shenanigans he gets into on a Wednesday. I bet he makes blowing a line off a chick's ass and starting a bar brawl  look like church on Sunday morning. Are there Vegas odds made up yet that say rehab doesn't work for him and he's dead by 50? I'm jumping on those odds hard and putting the cat/manager/agent/CEO's house on it. My man Sheen lacks what we in the blogging biz call a moral compass and no rehab is going to make him get one. So I say fuck rehab. I've seen that Dr. Drew show and everybody ends up turning back into meth addicts and crack whores.  Let the Wild Thing be the Wild Thing and let him enjoy the next 5 years of his life in typical Rick Vaughn fashion. Cocaine, booze, porn stars. CBP, baby. CBP.

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