Monday, January 31, 2011

The Durantula Spits Venom

"I was talking to my teammate and [Bosh] decided he wanted to put his two cents into it," Durant explained after the 108-103 setback. "I am a quiet guy, laid-back guy, but I'm not going to let nobody talk trash to me. He's on a good team now so he thinks he can talk a little bit. There are a lot of fake tough guys in this league and he's one of them." Whoa, but Durant wasn't finished. "I'm no punk," he continued. "I wasn't even talking to him first off. He decided to butt in and I'm not going to just let that slide. Especially in our house. Like I said, he's not one of those guys I look at and say he has a rep for talking back to guys or getting into it. He's a nice guy. I'm not going to let that type of person say something to me like that."

I love this and then some. If Kevin Durant has to call you out about being an asshole then you know you're an asshole. And he actually points out what nobody else does about the Miami Heat. They're all a bunch of fake tough guys. Bosh might be the worst but Lebron and Wade are both phony in my eyes. One day they're asking why they're not loved and then next they're acting like the bad boys of the NBA with nothing to back it up. Maybe it's just me but I'm a big buyer in the stock that says you can only start talking shit once you've accomplished something and Bosh hasn't done shit. At least Lebron was was trying to turn Cleveland into a fake title contender so he can run his mouth but Bosh has no right to even breath Durant's air. It would be like Sellberg jumping on the blog again and acting like he runs this bitch. Wearing Ogling Ed Hochuli hoodies like he built it from the ground up or something.  Well not so fast, my friend. I'm the one people come to see. I put asses in the seats.

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