Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Love Me Some Humble Pie

Today, the Patriots went into the film room and received a nice little treat from their coach. With the focus on self-scouting, perhaps coach Bill Belichick just wanted the team to be humbled. Or, maybe he spent the last few days driving himself nuts with film study, frustrated at what wasn’t going well. So, he spent this morning’s film session not-to-nicely pointing out mistakes to the team. Like, over and over. I’m told, no one was spared. “Everyone got chewed out,” one player told me. Tom Brady added to it, telling Larry Ridley WHDH-TV (NBC) that Belichick “gave it to us good, like we were 2-14.” And that was pretty much the message. 14-2 is good. Not good enough to win the Super Bowl.

And this is why we win multiple championships while teams like Giants are one hit wonders.  Belichick is truly playing chess while everyone is playing checkers. Being 14-2 would probably be the tits for any other team out there. They'd walk around town like their shit don't stink or whatever. But not in New England. Belichick could pull Giselle off the street and start pointing out all her flaws. Maybe she has too many pores on her index finger. I don't know but Bill does. The bottom line is this. You and me would be happy to be talked about amongst the greats. Belichick wants his team to not be talked about with the greats, but to be the great team everybody is trying to copy.

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