Friday, January 14, 2011

Go To Jail In New York and Get Your Balls Nibbled At

A man who claims a rodent bit him on the penis while he was being held in a New York jail can proceed with a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming county officials should have had better pest control, a judge has ruled. Peter Solomon claims in his lawsuit against Nassau County that a rodent came out of a hole in his mattress and bit him while he was jailed in February 2007 on a charge of menacing his wife. He's a Vietnam veteran who says he was already suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Solomon sued the following year, claiming "deliberate indifference to his health and safety in failing to adequately protect him from rodents." Solomon claims he suffered emotional distress, and his attorney said Thursday that Solomon has "complete sexual dysfunction."

This combines all my biggest fears. New York City, rats, prison, and something biting your dick unexpectedly(as opposed to expected which is sometimes respected). But I'm gonna call bullshit on this suit. You're telling me there's a vietnam war vet who beats his wife who suffers from PTSD and he's gonna go freak out about a rat biting his cock? Really? Like that's the worst position he's ever been in his entire life that he finds it necessary to take it to court? Ever hear of the Tet Offensive?

P.S. That's the best blog picture you're gonna see in the next 3 weeks.

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