Monday, January 24, 2011

Rex Ryan Is Out Of The Spotlight. I Feel Like I'm Reborn.

That's pretty much how I've felt for the past week. Just super sad and super angry that the Tom Terrific and the boys were sent home and the Jets were still alive. I was pretty much on the edge of the cliff and needed one more piece of bad news to send me over the edge. Then I get a call from God that tells me the Jets are down 24-3 at the half and it was like every drop of blood started to thaw in my body and I received a bit of an erection. I get off to justice and that game last night was fucking justice like you read about. Let New York stomp all over our field like they won the fucking Super Bowl and then have them get blown out through 30 minutes football, stage a comeback in the 4th quarter only to fall short for the second year in a row. I feel good. Like the return of chat roulette blog posts are coming back this week. That's how rejuvenated I am. I might even comb my hair tomorrow and I haven't done that shit since picture day in 3rd grade. Go ahead and laugh about it. Legend has it that any day at anytime, I could have plucked whatever young bitch off the bench and made her my wench when I was between the ages of 8-11.

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