Monday, January 17, 2011

I Feel Like a Yankee Fan

I can't get over it. I feel 10 times more sick than I did after game 7 of the NBA Finals.  Going into that game, there was a good chance we were gonna lose. No Perkins, LA Home floor, Kobe in a must win game, yada, yada, yada. There was no way we were losing yesterday. Our field, full healthy squad, Tom Brady in a must win game. I want to puke on everything and I want to slap everyone. I can't even read the sports page or turn on the TV without Braylon Edwards and Bart Scott doing the Jet dance. And the worst part about it is they fucking earned it. They talked the talk and walked the walk. They backed up everything and we can't do shit except hold onto our loved ones in a tiny village and get verbally bombed like it's fucking Hiroshima all over again. I don't fucking know. Food has no taste, the world is grey, showering is out of the question for today and all hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow seem highly unlikely. You're out of your fucking mind if you think I can blog today. I can barely inhale without thinking about yesterday.

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