Monday, January 10, 2011

Rex Ryan Still Thinks He's Playing On Sunday

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- It's personal -- again. This time, Rex Ryan is out for Bill Belichick.

Calling out one of the most successful coaches in NFL history, the New York Jets' coach delivered an unsolicited rant Monday, admitting he was outcoached by Belichick in last month's blowout and vowing to flip the script in Sunday's AFC divisional playoff game against the New England Patriots. "This is about Bill Belichick versus Rex Ryan," Ryan said, addressing the upcoming showdown in Foxborough for the first time. "There's no question, it's personal. It's about him against myself. That's what it's going to come down to." In terms of football duels, this was the verbal equivalent of a white glove across the face. Ryan said both teams are even from the standpoint of talent and assistant coaches, and that the rubber game will be decided by his ability to match wits with Belichick. In their last meeting, Dec. 6 in Foxborough, the Jets were humiliated on Monday Night Football 45-3. "I was outcoached in that game," said Ryan, who also used the "it's personal" line last week in preparation for Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts. "I said it then, I'm saying it now. Belichick, I recognize the fact this is a Hall of Fame coach. He'll go down in history as maybe the greatest football coach in the history of this game, or going to be close to it. "He was at that level that week and I was not. For whatever reason, I never had my team prepared the way it should've been prepared. That falls right down on me." Belichick, in a conference call about two hours after Ryan's made his comment, took a lighthearted approach.  "I might have a little quickness on him, he's probably got a little more strength and power on me," Belichick said. "I don't think you'll see either of us out there making any blocks, or tackles, or runs throws or catches. At least you won't see me doing that. It's probably a good thing for our team."

Love this. Rex Ryan says it's all about coaching and the play calls and completely disses the 53 guys on the Patriots roster.  It's seriously like Rex has completely forgotten we spanked him 45-3 and just barely got by a lousy Colts team 2 days ago. He's acting like this is the fucking Super Bowl and for him it probably is. Beating Belichick is like rubbing a nice pair of feet for him. You and me don't understand the obsession but it's there and he won't be able to eat a meal until he beats us or sucks some toes. Well like Mark Wahlberg said in the The Fighter, "I'm the only one fighting this fight. Not you, not you, not you and not you." Only the players are duking this one out. Rex Ryan can prepare his feet off but the bottom line is New England is the better team and always has been and always will be. We have Tom Brady. You don't. Get the fuck over it.

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