Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm So Sick Of This Shit

This is Matt Carle's first NHL fight. Sean Avery proceeded to smash his head in three times here. While he was down. He is scum, and that's putting it lightly.  Oh, and for any Rangers fans trying to compare this to Dan Carcillo's beatdown of Marian Gaborik a year ago. A) Gaborik started that, and B) Carcillo actually caught Gaborik on his way down. The Rangers were losing 3-0 tonight and they decided to goon it up, and unfortunately, it almost worked for them.

Hey asshole. This is hockey. This isn't the fucking food stamps line. If you don't want to get hit by a train, then don't run in front of it. What was Avery supposed to do? Let some little bitch hold him up? Fuck that. You know exactly what you're setting yourself up for when you try to tangle with the pest. Clearly one clean knockout punch wasn't enough. Another three were needed to knock some sense into this clown. Sean Avery can do no wrong in my eyes.

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