Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tom Terrific is an Asshole Because He Cares About Winning More Than You

Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie, taking the baton from Rex Ryan, who criticized Tom Brady's post-touchdown "antics" earlier this week, ripped into the Patriots quarterback in a profanity-laced rant Tuesday, calling him an "ass----," and claiming he hates him. Ryan set the tone by saying it was just "Brady being Brady," referring to his finger-pointing to the Jets sideline after his touchdown pass gave the Patriots a 38-3 lead on the first play of the fourth quarter on Dec. 6 in Foxborough on the way to New England's 45-3 humiliation of the Jets in their first-place showdown. Cromartie, in his first year with the Jets after four years with the Chargers, backed up Ryan Tuesday when he was asked by the Daily News if he's ever seen Brady pointing after the Patriots score. "We see that a lot. He does it a lot," Cromartie said. "That's the kind of guy he is. We really don't give a damn, to tell you the truth." Okay, what kind of guy is Brady? "An asshole. "Fuck him."  "That's what I think about him. I don't really give a damn about him," he said. "I don't have to play against him. I play against the receivers." Well, Brady is the one throwing to those receivers. "Yeah, but if I beat the s--- out of his receivers, he can't throw the ball," Cromartie said. Cromartie says Brady's antics are evident when the Jets watch the film of their games against the Patriots. "He's doing the pointing at our defensive line and stuff like that," Cromartie said. "That's the kind of a guy he is. He's a competitor, he loves what he's doing. He's going to compete. When you're competing, you are not worrying about anything else, about what anybody else is doing. You're just worried about what you have to do."

I love this. I absolutely eat this shit up. It's so refreshing to see players acting in the same manner as the fans. Like I watched Desean Jackson run up and give Aaron Rodgers daps after the game just because they went to college together. Fuck that. I don't care if you're my best friend. If you beat me and humiliate me in a game, I'll remember it for life and get you back 110%. I won't go slapping your hand and rubbing your cock for you. And now we have Antonio Cromartie calling Tom Terrific an asshole because that's the kind of guy he is. "He's a competitor, he loves what he's doing. He's going to compete." Yeah, sounds like a real piece of shit, huh? I think the Jets are more obsessed with him than I am. It's day 3 of the week and he's already been called out by 3 different members of the Jets for being competitive and providing us with an example of what a great leader does. Don't be shocked if we beat New York by 70 points. Seriously. 70 points. The flood gates will be open.

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