Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tony Allen Is Alive and Living in Memphis

Team officials insisted that Mayo’s absence Tuesday night for the Grizzlies’ 110-105 victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder was due to bronchitis and not the fight. But the incident was described as a one-sided scrap in which Allen clearly got the best of Mayo. Neither player was disciplined after meeting with coach Lionel Hollins once the team arrived in Memphis. According to a source, Mayo and Allen were involved in a card game that left Mayo owing Allen between $1,000 and $1,500. Mayo refused to pay and repeatedly insulted Allen. Allen then went to the restroom and returned to Mayo, who was acting more belligerent about losing. Allen then struck Mayo and the two had to be separated by teammates.

Every scrap in the NBA is due to a card game or a girl. That's a fact. And there's nothing worse than a cocky guy who owes you money and then won't stop insulting you. It's like they're just asking for a slap in the mouth. If you don't wanna pay, then don't play. But you can only take so much for so long until it's time to get the lead out. So I can imagine Tony Allen pulling a Jwoww and saying, "you can stay and get your ass beat, you can stay and get your ass beat or you can stay and get your ass beat." Mayo really had no choice so on he went to get his ass beat.

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