Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is Benedict The Worst Storm Name Ever?

You tell  me to get ready for Winter Storm Benedict and I start thinking about the Pope and then I start wondering if this storm is only going to fuck with 8 year old boys. I'll probably go to hell for that sentence. But I say bring it on Benny. Snow storms don't scare me like thunder storms do. I see a flash of lightning and me and Brady run upstairs to my room and hide under the covers faster than Rex Ryan gets off to a soft pair of feet. The governor can use his scare tactics and tell us to stock up on bread and milk because this faggot named Benedict means business but fuck that. Gays don't scare me.  Give me a snow blower and I'll make that white shit disappear like a line off a stripper's ass on my birthday. Maybe even build it into a snowman then drop kick its fucking head. You can't do that with rain and thunder. You go outside during a thunder storm and you're challenging the Gods to strike you down. Go outside during a snow storm and you're a kid a again where the world and possibilities for fun are endless.

P.S. Is there a level in Golden Eye that involves a snow storm and a sniper rifle or am I thinking of another James Bond game?

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