Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just When I Thought It Was Safe To Go On ESPN.Com....

What the fuck is that? ESPN.com is my homepage and I've actually been avoiding it for the past week because of the whole Jets hype and all that shit. Today I thought I was safe just like yesterday was safe. But then God has to return to remind me that he hates me and I'm cursed for life. Just when my mood starts to turn to good, this shit happens and fucks my day up. That's all it does. Fucks my day up by reminding me of the single worst night in my entire life. Why not write about when Tom Brady led his offense down the field for a game winning field goal with 1:21 on the clock, on his own 15 and no timeouts? Or what about when he threw 3 Touchdowns for 345 yards and once again marched down the field with 1:08 remaining? OR the time he had his highest QB rating of his career against the NFL's top defense in capturing his 3rd championship ring in 4 years? No, let's talk about the flukiest fucking play in the history of sports. Fuck. You.

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