Monday, January 10, 2011

Becks Having Another Kid. Why Can't It Be Me?

("Yeah my tad poles are workin'...overtime.")

NEW YORK (CBS) The Beckhams are expanding their brood. Soccer star David Beckham, 35, and wife Victoria, 34, are expecting their fourth child, the couple announced on Sunday.

I know the politically correct thing to say is "congratulations" but I can't do it. Maybe it's because I'm a poor shit but when you say "baby" I think "money." Fuck. That. I have a list of about 10 things I'd rather have over a baby. That sounded kind of weird, right? things I'd want to have over a baby? Creepy. Anyway. I don't want a kid until this blog hits the $1,000,000 mark. And even then I'll put it up for adoption faster than caitlyn and tyler did on 16 and pregnant.

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